Category: Gratitude

My First Trip to Study with Sharath Jois in Mysore India

Notes from my first trip to study with Paramaguru Sharath Jois at the Gokulum Shala in November and December of 2011 3/18/2025 It has been over four months since my…

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Sharath Jois, Ashtanga Yoga Guru (1971 – 2024)

humpback rocks, charlottesville, va. 11-11-2024

Grieving the sudden loss of Sharath Jois & what it was like to study with him in Mysore, India. It has been nearly four months since my guru and yoga…

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The Bear

bob evans name tag

Flashback: Houlihan’s Restaurant, Bethel Park, PA. It’s the mid-90s, and my feet are sore and achy. Hair is in a messy bun. Cheap makeup floods the pores of my youthful…

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The 1,000 Steps of India’s Chimundi Hill

Chimundi Hill, Mysore India

You need not have eyes to find spirituality in India. It is everywhere. You can hear it – in the Vedic chants streaming eerily from the robed men and women…

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Am I Thankful or Grateful?

About four years ago I began reading books a lot of self-help books in the bathtub. I think I did it partially because I lived in Pittsburgh in the winter…

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