Category: Self-reflection

God and My Dad, Jesus

A blinding white streak from the sun shone down on the hood of the car that day, way back in 1980.  Windows down, gravel crunching under the wheels of our…

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My First Trip to Study with Sharath Jois in Mysore India

Notes from my first trip to study with Paramaguru Sharath Jois at the Gokulum Shala in November and December of 2011 3/18/2025 It has been over four months since my…

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Sharath Jois, Ashtanga Yoga Guru (1971 – 2024)

humpback rocks, charlottesville, va. 11-11-2024

Grieving the sudden loss of Sharath Jois & what it was like to study with him in Mysore, India. It has been nearly four months since my guru and yoga…

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The Bear

bob evans name tag

Flashback: Houlihan’s Restaurant, Bethel Park, PA. It’s the mid-90s, and my feet are sore and achy. Hair is in a messy bun. Cheap makeup floods the pores of my youthful…

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Nostalgia and Self-Reflection

nostalgia pumpkin spice latte

Every year it’s the same. And the older you get, the more the same it is. The food, music (UGH. Christmas carols), holiday parties, ugly sweaters, decorations, the gifts –…

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Ashtanga Yoga – My Panacea

Ashtanga Yoga - Sharath Tour NYC 2017

June 7, 2017 I was in NYC last week for six days of morning Ashtanga yoga practice with Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois. This made my 15th full week of nonconsecutive…

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Faces That Pass by My Mind as I Close My Eyes to Sleep

Gordon Broom

Would you like to have a Netflix streaming service in your head with no monthly subscription fee?  Sounds pretty cool but I DO have one of those, only I never…

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